Red Dragon Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an emissary of the primal source of life ~ a holder of ancient memory ~ a fluid synthesis of elemental forces - earth, air, fire, water ~ an agent of oneness. As a Red Dragon you have the capacity to be a dynamic, multi-faceted cauldron of creation; to be a portal of vast potential and ever-present new beginnings; to be an initiator; to honor and commune with the supreme, spacious dimension of pure beingness that precedes all doing and striving; to be holistically nurturing and all-embracing of the many spheres of your life; to rest in primal trust that the universe is always conspiring on your behalf!
"Established in being, perform action."
Direction: East: Initiates ~ Chakra: Throat ~ Planet: Neptune
Learn more about Red Dragon & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
White Wind Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a channel of inspiration ~ a force of circulation ~ an agent of calm ~ one who is attuned to the invisible spirit that animates all life. As a White Wind you have the capacity to translate the formless into form; to learn to ride the breath into the center of your soul; to celebrate the connectivity of trees, air, breath and wind; to convey your truths; to cultivate the art of communication in its myriad modes; to listen for the voice of the sacred and hear the divine callings amidst the clamor of density and distraction; to forego the limits of the rational mind and honor and express the currents of inspiration as they whisper and whirl through your life.
Simply put: "Follow your Spirit without hesitation!"
Direction: North: Refines ~ Chakra: Heart ~ Planet: Uranus
Learn more about White Wind & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Blue Night Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a conscious dreamer ~ an inner voyager ~ a disciple of your own intuition ~ an agent of plentitude. As a Blue Night you have the capacity to abide in the sanctuary of self, receiving the rich mysteries within; to embrace the darkness of night and commune with deep internal realms; to appreciate the dream-like nature of reality and comprehend the creative potency of our psyches; to awaken out of the collective spell of materialism, scarcity and greed by being a vessel of gratitude and generosity, inviting us all to celebrate ourselves as heirs of nature’s intrinsic abundance.
As we own the powers of our minds in shaping our lives, we learn to lucidly “dream-up” our truest longings, from the inside, out.
Direction: West: Transforms ~ Chakra: Solar-Plexus ~ Planet: Saturn
Learn more about Blue Night & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Yellow Seed Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a thriving seed of life ~ an agent of boundless possibility ~ an instrument of creative diligence ~ a cultural pollinator. As a Yellow Seed you have the capacity to serve the flowering of human consciousness; to affirm that our shared destiny is to grow; to wield the power of intentions, words and actions as living seeds cast into the field of potential; to tend to your inner garden, weeding your mind of dis-serving energies, making space for your deepest aspirations to flourish; to align with the generative power of the earth; to carry on vital legacies; to plant seeds of the new; to be the fruit, be the flower!
As a seed contains the hologram of its completion, we too can trust the unfolding timing of our divinely encoded potential.
Direction: South: Ripens ~ Chakra: Root ~ Planet: Jupiter
Learn more about Yellow Seed & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Red Serpent Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an agent of awakened vitality ~ an ambassador of infinite body-wisdom ~ an instrument of sentience ~ a living expression of primal creativity. As a Red Serpent you have the capacity to honor yourself as an authentic creature of the earth; to unlock and express your passion and enthusiasm; to listen to the language of your body and follow its rhythms; to sense when to trust instinct rather than intellect; to experience the body as a vehicle of the soul; to open your physical vessel to access expanded states of feeling, knowing and divine connection; to learn to raise your kundalini life force through all your body’s chakras and become a “rainbow feathered serpent”; to ground the cosmos is your cells!
"The path to the stars is through the senses."
Direction: East: Initiates ~ Chakra: Crown ~ Planet: Maldek (Asteroid Belt)
Learn more about Red Serpent & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
White Worldbridger Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your Cosmic identity is to be interdimensional ~ a bridge between the seen and unseen worlds ~ an emissary of neutrality ~ an agent of connection ~ a holder of cyclic change. As white worldbridger you have the capacity to interweave realities; to go beyond beliefs of limitation; to let go of what no longer serves; to continually shed concepts of self in order to be renewed; to surrender attachments, receiving the death of any cycle, relationship, or endeavor as an opportunity for a new phase to emerge; to contemplate the wisdom of impermanence as inspiration to live this moment to the fullest; to behold our collective mortality as the great equalizer, each of us but a precious thread in the ageless tapestry of the universe; to walk in this world as a living link of your Ancestors, carrying eons of life in your cells, in your DNA, and in your consciousness!
As Gandhi said: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Direction: North: Refines ~ Chakra: Throat ~ Planet: Mars
Learn more about White Worldbridger & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Blue Hand Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a vessel of intrinsic knowing ~ a wielder of both worldly and mystical power ~ an agent of healing forces and compassionate insight ~ an instrument of transformation and accomplishment ~ a builder of the new world. As blue hand you have the capacity to be a gateway of healing; to activate the power of your human hands as tools of blessing, creativity, and actualization; to be holistically wise and practically resourceful; to contribute your skills toward achieving a common well-being; to express your deepest knowing through your gifts; to develop mastery of your craft, uniting knowledge with embodied guidance; to be in touch with the many dimensions of healing that can come from sources beyond the physical; to contemplate the nature of accomplishment on a soul level; to discover the rich healing that can be accomplished through the sincerity of your intentions and heart-centered presence.
Accomplishment from the heart is healing to the soul.
Direction: West: Transforms ~ Chakra: Heart ~ Planet: Earth
Learn more about Blue Hand & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Yellow Star Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an emissary of harmony ~ an agent of beautification ~ a witness of nature's majesty ~ a messenger of refinement and wholeness ~ a starseed of our ancient future ~ a keeper of the new octave. As a Yellow Star, you have the capacity to behold yourself as a planetary artist - every moment a new canvas to paint upon; to shine, intentionally uplifting your outer environment with your inner light; to walk your life as an ever-unfolding mandala; to see beauty and wonder in all of nature's creations; to perceive every facet of our world as an opportunity for soulful interaction; to invoke grace and effortlessness to guide your journey; to express your own sense of the aesthetic; to consciously contribute coherence and harmony to collective dynamics; to convey a higher octave of stellar consciousness to the planetary whole; to sculpt your reality with intention, knowing every thought, word, and action is coloring the art of your life!
Time is Art! Life is Art! You are Art!
Direction: South: Ripens ~ Chakra: Solar-plexus ~ Planet: Venus
Learn more about Yellow Star & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Red Moon Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a soulful surfer of the ever-changing waves of life ~ a sensitive and sensual elemental being ~ a beacon of self-remembrance ~ an expansive channel of feeling and mystery. As a Red Moon you have the capacity to be a portal of awakened consciousness; to be a receiver and transmitter of subtle communications, reading the currents of signs and signals; to be an emissary of the universal life-giving waters; to embody the poetic flux of celestial rhythm and the raw power of nature’s forces; to be yielding to the divine unfolding while staying true to one’s essence self; to honor the opportunity for renewal and rebirth inherent in every moment; to be a drop of cosmic rain blessing this world.
The simple wisdom remains: Just Go With The Flow!
Direction: East: Initiates ~ Chakra: Root ~ Planet: Mercury
Learn more about Red Moon & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
White Dog Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an emissary of the One Heart ~ a truth-seeker and truth-teller ~ a conscious navigator of the emotional realms ~ an angel of self-love, acceptance, faithfulness, devoted friendship and exalted relationship. As a White Dog you have the capacity to learn how to let your heart guide you through life; to be loyal to your own truth; to be empathically skillful; to be a voice of universal, holy love as the all-curing medicine of our times; to be a servant and leader in your circles and communities; to unify with your companions of destiny and soul-family, bringing together the tribes in order to evolve and thrive; to radiate the authenticity and tender, invincible light of your ever-deepening heart!
The heart of the matter is this: "Everything is either love or a cry for love."
Direction: North: Refines ~ Chakra: Crown ~ Planet: Mercury
Learn more about White Dog & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Blue Monkey Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a whimsically-wise mystical weaver ~ a sacred trickster ~ an inventive artisan ~ one who finds the magic in the mundane. As a Blue Monkey you have the capacity to be astute yet light-hearted; to be a student and teacher of the mysterious play of existence; to see through the illusions of this world; to construct, dismantle, surprise, smile and outwit your way through the challenges of life; to be a curious child of the universe, energizing the brilliant and healing powers of levity, spontaneity, joy and wonder in order to uplift and enlighten; to be an ambassador of “cosmo-rama.”
In this adventure called life, the joke is on those who take it all too seriously!
Direction: West: Transforms ~ Chakra: Throat ~ Planet: Venus
Learn more about Blue Monkey & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Yellow Human Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a wayshower ~ a sovereign cultural agent ~ a cosmic vibratory root ~ a chalice of ancestral wisdom. As a Yellow Human you have the capacity to be a wisdom-keeper; to be a vessel of the higher mind; to activate our evolutionary powers of self-reflection and conscious choice; to conspire to inspire positive change; to influence your fellow humans to align their free will with their wisdom; to champion the infinite possibilities of our human potential to raise the vibrations on the planet; to be the conscientious being you wish to see in the world; to celebrate the divinity of our human spirit, honoring the oneness in our diversity!
As humans we exist as the continuum of countless generations, yet today we are fueled by rays from the sun that have never touched this earth before…
Direction: South: Ripens ~ Chakra: Heart ~ Planet: Earth
Learn more about Yellow Human & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Red Skywalker Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a celestial conduit ~ a traveler in consciousness ~ a luminous path-cutter ~ a prophetic messenger. As a Red Skywalker you have the capacity to be a pillar that unites the heavens and the earth; to extend deep roots and activate broad antennas; to soar in the vastness of imagination while being grounded on the material plane; to discover trust in the unseen and the unknown; to voyage beyond growth edges; to hold the space of universal compassion; to be an emissary of angelic presence; to be an awakening agent of the “divine descent” - helping anchor the frequency of the new paradigm on Earth; to courageously transcend the status quo, trail-blazing into new frontiers of perception and realization; to be an explorer of space both inner & outer.
"May The Force Be With You!"
Direction: East: Initiates ~ Chakra: Solar-Plexus ~ Planet: Mars
Learn more about Red Skywalker & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
White Wizard Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an agent of multi-dimensional wizardry ~ a receptive channel ~ a unifier of heart-mind-body ~ a jaguar night-seer. As a White Wizard you have the capacity to reveal the authentically mystical and the mystically authentic; to be a lucid spell-caster, aware of the power of thoughts and beliefs in conjuring realities; to enchant the world with the magic of your inner light; to wield love and knowledge through the powers of intention, meditation, and invocation; to access ancient-future mysteries that are encoded within us; to cultivate the art of synchronic timing by sensitizing to the pulse of each unfolding moment; to dissolve constructs of past and future into timeless, now-centered, radial existence.
Life is non-linear, and the present moment is always a living oracle!
Direction: North: Refines ~ Chakra: Root ~ Planet: Maldek (Asteroid Belt)
Learn more about White Wizard & track your power days with The Galactic Calendar
Blue Eagle Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an emissary of sky-mind ~ one who soars above and beholds the big picture ~ a believer in the boundless ~ an agent of innovation and ingenuity. As a Blue Eagle you have the capacity to be visionary; to see and believe in the potential of that which is not yet manifest; to penetrate the mysteries of mind; to look at your life and our world from a vast, limitless perspective; to offer new insights to the collective; to unify your mind with the planetary mind and telepathically open to Earth’s consciousness and callings; to create what is uniquely yours to create; to be daring in your service and focused in your intentions; to boldly give flight to your dreams.
"Believing is creating!"
Direction: West: Transforms ~ Chakra: Crown ~ Planet: Jupiter
Learn more about Blue Eagle & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Yellow Warrior Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an antenna of cosmic forces ~ an agent of illuminated courage ~ a determined Pathfinder ~ an investigator of underlying realities. As a Yellow Warrior you have the capacity to embody the Cosmic Question Mark; to wield the power of questioning in order to delve into the deepest truths and access a higher intelligence; to inspire yourself and others to question beliefs, viewpoints, habits, fears, limitations, cultural norms and values, etc; to persevere through the quest of life with compassion as your shield and honor as your guide; to embrace and confront challenges and obstacles as sacred gifts that ultimately strengthen; to unify the three forces of mind, will, and spirit in order to pick up your staff of Galactic empowerment!
Fearlessness does not mean having no fears. Fearlessness means that you feel the fears, but you do not let them stop you!
Direction: South: Ripens ~ Chakra: Throat ~ Planet: Saturn
Learn more about Yellow Warrior & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Red Earth Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be a synchro-mystic navigator ~ a tracker of subtle clues and cues ~ a conscious instrument of the living earth force ~ a student of divine timing. As a Red Earth you have the capacity to read the maps of living mystery; to interpret the guidance of the universe arising through the circumstances of the present moment; to celebrate synchronicity as the magic of natural order; to center yourself in the vitality, purity and living wisdom of Earth's elemental abundance; to collaborate with your higher self in navigating the course of your life's evolution; to align with the evolutionary spirit that is steering our culture to harmonize with our living biosphere; to synchronize your consciousness with the heartbeat of the Earth!
"I am one with the Earth. The Earth and myself are one mind."
Direction: East: Initiates ~ Chakra: Heart ~ Planet: Uranus
Learn more about Red Earth & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
White Mirror Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an a channel of clear-seeing ~ a student of infinity ~ an agent of self-reflection and contemplation ~ an emissary of transcendental truths ~ a disciple of the endlessly unfolding divine order. As a White Mirror you have the capacity to explore this infinite Universe through the boundlessness of your consciousness; to meditate on the mystery which integrates our inner and outer world; to uncover and reveal how our perception of reality is reflective of our internal state of being; to polish your inner mirror that you may see through surface appearances and perceive the deeper underlying truths; to wield the sword of wisdom that cuts through illusion and projection, and liberates us beyond the "Hall of Mirrors" into the greater reality.
"As viewed, so appears."
Direction: North: Refines ~ Chakra: Solar-Plexus ~ Planet: Neptune
Learn more about White Mirror & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Blue Storm Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your Cosmic identity is to be an alchemist of energies ~ an awakened Thunderbeing ~ an expression of electric passion and purpose ~ an embodiment of stillness dancing ~ an empowered self-generator. As Blue Storm, you have the capacity to be an activator of transformation; to be a lucid world changer; to be an agent of circulation, renewal, breakthrough and freedom; to honor catharsis and upheaval as potent forces of cleansing and clearing; to ascertain the vital role of vibration in shaping realities; to access the force of your inner spark as your ultimate source of power; to unleash the lightning of your soul and the calm resilience of your presence; to be the I Am of the eye of the storm.
“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass… It's about learning to dance in the rain.”
Direction: West: Transforms ~ Chakra: Root ~ Planet: Pluto
Learn more about Blue Storm & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
Yellow Sun Tribe
Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers:
The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an emissary of solar life force ~ an agent of awakening ~ a bearer of light ~ one who shines the rays of your inner sun to enliven and bless. As a Yellow Sun you have the capacity to radiate the universal fire of enlightened life by fanning the flames of truth, divine knowledge, and sacred enthusiasm; to call light into shadows, allowing consciousness to illuminate that which is unconscious; to summon the sun that is always shining, even when all you can see are clouds; to discover how to release the obscurations that block you from experiencing and emanating the radiance of your true, divine nature; to master humility and welcome your nobility; to honor the wholeness and fullness of life, accepting the totality of this existence and celebrating all of our lessons here in this majestic Earth School; to find the golden beacon of your own heart as the ultimate guide on the path to enlightenment!
Being empty of independent identity, I am full of interconnected existence.
Direction: South: Ripens ~ Chakra: Crown ~ Planet: Pluto
Learn more about Yellow Sun & track your Power Days with The Galactic Calendar
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– Josh, Blue Resonant Storm
"This calendar is breathtaking, the images are absolutely stunning... Thank you beautiful souls for contributing with such passion, art, and commitment to our evolutionary process."
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"Your calendar is so helpful and laid out so well! We learn something new each time we open it."
– Golden Radiance, NM
"A lucid, artful presentation of fascinating information... the foundational tool for living and learning the science of time... wonderful explanations, and a beautiful design for daily awareness."
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"There is so much positive energy in the calendar you produce - it comes to life just when you need it!"
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"It is a priceless tool for self reflection and evolution. I am very thankful for it!"
– Hilary
"This calendar is awesome!!! Thank you so much for your fabulous contribution to our planet's well-being!"
– Lucia
"Loving the Calendar each and everyday. WHAT A TOOL! What a gift!"
– Blue Solar Eagle, California
"Thank you for this wonderful addition to my life!"
– Lake Mills, WI
"Your calendars are always so beautiful. The artwork is galactivated and the wisdom is shared with compassionate understanding."
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"I've been using your calendars for the past 10 years. This has been a tremendous resource, and I am so grateful you have provided this."
– Billy, NM
"I have been working with The Galactic Calendar since 1992. It's a remarkable tool, beyond measure."
– Martha, White Self-Existing Dog
"SkyTime has an enchanting way of downloading galactic wisdom with simplicity, clarity and artistry."
– San Francisco, CA
"Thanks sooo much. Your calendar has indeed, been a blessing to me."
– Oxnard, CA
"Thank you for sharing the magic, mystery and magnificient art of the Galactic Calendars!"
– Wendy, N.C.
"Thank you for sharing your magical gifts with so many and spreading the restorative forces of 13:20!"
– Arizona, USA
"SkyTime's Calendar is professional, well thought out, and inspiring!"
– Electric Skywalker
"Each year SkyTime produces a calendar that helps expand one's consciousness so that one can assist humanity into the imminent new world."
– Bay Area, CA
Beyond just the Galactic Calendar, expand your knowledge of the vast layers of Dr. Jose Arguelles' essential cosmic teachings. Enjoy this self-paced and interactive video tutorial with 13 lessons provided by our dear friend and ally Jacob Wyatt of The Foundation For The Law of Time.
Intiana blends Galactic Dreamspell Astrology with intuitive wisdom and psychic insight. She helps you activate the power of your personal Galactic Signature energy and enliven a deeper connection with your own divine spirit and destiny!