This is the master map of the resonant frequencies which encode the Galactic Calendar. You can think of it as a harmonic keyboard of living vibrations. As a radial matrix, its rhythmic patterns reveal the “Synchronic Order” of Natural Time.
Each square represents a unique energy that is made up of one of 13 Tones and one of 20 Glyphs. (13 X 20 = 260 Galactic energies).
Every day and every person is coded by one of these frequencies. Every day has a Kin number (1-260) which defines its place in the Matrix. Called “Tzolkin” (meaning “sacred count”) this Matrix communicates the numeric language of resonant energies emanating from “Hunab Ku” - The Architect of the Universe.
“The Tzolkin is constituted of different fractals or ratios which are summarized by the ratio 13:20... It has many codes that are locked into it, including the mathematical structure of the DNA... As we say, it contains every part that is a reflection of the whole... Since Time informs life, all of life is informed by patterns that you can find in this code... When we look at it we are truly looking at the cosmic mirror in which we see ourselves reflected in all our facets of knowing and being.” - José Argüelles
The 260-day cycle also corresponds to the human gestation period of approximately 9 months, perfectly expressing its power as a cycle governing the unfolding of creation! Author John Major Jenkins assures us, the 260-day cycle has “multiple meanings,” as it applies to “celestial, biological, agricultural, mythological, and chronological processes.” Jenkins writes,“The 260-day cycle does not directly correspond with any known astronomical period, yet it serves as a common denominator to synthesize the cycles of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Earth and Mars... In essence, it is the key factor of all the planetary periods.”
The 13:20 Matrix communicates the Movement and Measure of the universe. The 13 Tones are the Movement, and the 20 Tribes are the Measure. This ratio of nature is even encoded in our human bodies!
Giving us movement, is our 13 major articulations (joints). The 13 Tones of Creation are mapped on our 2 ankles, 2 knees, 2 hips, 2 wrists,2 elbows, 2 shoulders, and 1 spine/neck.
Providing us measure, we have 20 fingers & toes that are coded with
the 20 Tribes of Time!
The fundamental cycle animating the Galactic Matrix is known as the Wavespell. The Wavespell is a 13-unit cycle that begins on Tone 1 and ends on Tone 13. Depicted as a spiral, it reflects the spiral of our Milky Way Galaxy.
The entire Galactic Matrix can be understood as a series of twenty Wavespells - one for each of the 20 Glyphs. Each Wavespell has a name and focus that is determined by the Glyph that aligns with Tone 1. For example, the White Dog Wavespell (above) carries the Dog’s energies of Love, Heart, and Loyalty as the focus for the 13 days.
Cycling with this 13-day pattern can be life-changing, as it puts us in phase with the essential creative spiral of Nature!
"I feel in rhythm with the heartbeat of life! Thank you so much for making the amazingly powerful, super artistically inspiring calendar available."
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– Josh, Blue Resonant Storm
"This calendar is breathtaking, the images are absolutely stunning... Thank you beautiful souls for contributing with such passion, art, and commitment to our evolutionary process."
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"For those interested in furthering their spiritual growth, I highly recommend SkyTime's calendar as a way to free your mind into the higher frequencies that are available on the planet right now."
– Lake Oswego, OR
"Your calendar is so helpful and laid out so well! We learn something new each time we open it."
– Golden Radiance, NM
"A lucid, artful presentation of fascinating information... the foundational tool for living and learning the science of time... wonderful explanations, and a beautiful design for daily awareness."
– Oakland, CA
"There is so much positive energy in the calendar you produce - it comes to life just when you need it!"
– Wellington, New Zealand
"The soul of the universe speaks to me each time I interact with my calendar."
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"It is a priceless tool for self reflection and evolution. I am very thankful for it!"
– Hilary
"This calendar is awesome!!! Thank you so much for your fabulous contribution to our planet's well-being!"
– Lucia
"Loving the Calendar each and everyday. WHAT A TOOL! What a gift!"
– Blue Solar Eagle, California
"Thank you for this wonderful addition to my life!"
– Lake Mills, WI
"Your calendars are always so beautiful. The artwork is galactivated and the wisdom is shared with compassionate understanding."
– Tuscon, AZ
"I've been using your calendars for the past 10 years. This has been a tremendous resource, and I am so grateful you have provided this."
– Billy, NM
"I have been working with The Galactic Calendar since 1992. It's a remarkable tool, beyond measure."
– Martha, White Self-Existing Dog
"SkyTime has an enchanting way of downloading galactic wisdom with simplicity, clarity and artistry."
– San Francisco, CA
"Thanks sooo much. Your calendar has indeed, been a blessing to me."
– Oxnard, CA
"Thank you for sharing the magic, mystery and magnificient art of the Galactic Calendars!"
– Wendy, N.C.
"Thank you for sharing your magical gifts with so many and spreading the restorative forces of 13:20!"
– Arizona, USA
"SkyTime's Calendar is professional, well thought out, and inspiring!"
– Electric Skywalker
"Each year SkyTime produces a calendar that helps expand one's consciousness so that one can assist humanity into the imminent new world."
– Bay Area, CA
Beyond just the Galactic Calendar, expand your knowledge of the vast layers of Dr. Jose Arguelles' essential cosmic teachings. Enjoy this self-paced and interactive video tutorial with 13 lessons provided by our dear friend and ally Jacob Wyatt of The Foundation For The Law of Time.
Intiana blends Galactic Dreamspell Astrology with intuitive wisdom and psychic insight. She helps you activate the power of your personal Galactic Signature energy and enliven a deeper connection with your own divine spirit and destiny!