The Galactic Calendar is a transmission of the Dreamspell, an advanced system of time-keeping brought to life by Dr. José Argüelles. The Dreamspell is based in decades of research into the profound knowledge and cosmic code underlying the calendar system of the ancient Maya, as well as Argüelles' personal connection to the intelligence behind these living mysteries. As a synthesis of ancient teachings and new revelations, the Dreamspell is a modern, universal application of ancient time science - a new form for a new time... The Dreamspell invites us to enter into a new dimension of perception. As we learn to play the "cosmic game of time," the lost magic of galactic harmony awakens within us!
It should be understood that this system is not the traditional Mayan Calendar that connects one specifically to the culture of the Maya people and their lands, history, ancestry, and religion. Rather, the Dreamspell calendar is intended for people of all cultures - to establish what Dr. Argüelles calls "galactic culture." This calendar system is truly a gift from the Stars, here to help us awaken to our multi-dimensional nature as evolving citizens of the cosmos.
While the ancient Maya were the first to record the harmonic mathematics of Nature's time, these mathematics themselves are not "Mayan," they are Universal. These mathematics are the basis of the calendar system, and they clarify the same harmonic ratios and cycles that govern our human bodies simultaneously govern the macrocosmic cycles of our planet, our solar system, our galaxy and beyond...
The Dreamspell is:
Many people thought 2012 was supposed to be the end of the Mayan Calendar, and even the end of the world. These ideas were simply false rumors that had no basis in authentic Mayan time-keeping or prophecies. In fact, the entire 2012 apocalyptic fantasy was created by the Western mind and hyped by a misguided, modern media. And, both the traditional Mayan Calendar and The Dreamspell Galactic Calendar continue on...
Rather than the "calendar ending" or the " world ending," what 2012 actually represented was the end of a world age cycle - big difference! Dec 21, 2012 was the completion of an approximately 26,000 year cycle, and the beginning of a new, vast cycle of time. In Mesoamerican cosmology, this new chapter of time we entered is known as the dawning of the Sixth Sun or entrance into the 5th World Age. We are now transitioning into a new evolutionary phase for humanity and our planet!
There is little doubt that we are in a period of great change, great challenge, and great possibility. A new phase for humanity is clearly before us. Our human technology has on one hand, brought about unparalleled biospheric destruction, yet it has also granted us unprecedented global unification. Some still continue blindly down the old path, while more and more of us around the world are waking up to the calling - joining the path of transformation - and using our energy to co-create inner and outer harmony. How this new era unfolds is a collaboration involving each one of us. The opportunity and responsibility of these times is to be who we truly are; to give our deepest soul gifts; and shine our Light in the world.
The most essential key in embodying the energies of the New Era and radiating the vibrations of the Sixth Sun is learning how to live from our Hearts. This is one of the biggest areas we have to grow in our human development - to let our minds be subservient to our hearts. For so very long we have been heavily identified with our egoic minds which are programmed for separation and judgement, and who guide us to live in the past and future. Within this new era, as we learn to live in the Now, we find it is the domain of our Spiritual Hearts.
Our Hearts naturally resonate with the truth of interconnectedness. Our Hearts offer us boundless resources of love, wisdom and compassion with which to elevate all circumstances and moments of our lives. Together we are evolving by learning to let our hearts be our core, our guide, our master teacher, our internal beacon, our home...
Our hearts speak the voice of self-love, and care for the good of the whole. Our hearts instinctually know how to nurture our bodies, how to root to the present moment, how to follow inspiration, how to be fluid, calm and non-linear, how to live in harmony with our relations and our responsibilities, and how to enjoy and beautify existence. This is the nature, meaning, and opportunity of the New World Age - actualizing heart-centered life! As Aguia Branca~White Eagle says: "...Your job is to pay attention to your heart,
your heart will pay attention to everything else."
This moment on Earth is calling for new perspectives, new possibilities, new visions, new revelations, new insights, new imagination, new pathways, new models...You are invited to expand your sense of reality by awakening your multi-dimensional self and exploring a new dimension of Time - Galactic, Natural Time. While the typical 12-month calendar puts you in phase with the rhythms of the work-week, Galactic time puts you in phase with the larger, Cosmic order and the ever-deepening journey of your Cosmic Self! You can learn to play with the art of time by activating the daily codes of color, number and symbol - tuning into the creative potential of each new day...
With the lens of Galactic Time, you can view your life from a vaster synchronistic context, realizing the intimate interconnectedness of all beings and all moments. By integrating the magic of Galactic Time in your life, you are raising the frequency of your consciousness, and therefore helping raise the frequency on Planet Earth!
Begin your journey into Galactic Time by decoding your birthdate and finding out your Cosmic Identity!
Right now, there exist many tools, modalities, and teachings that are helping illuminate and inspire humanity. The Galactic Calendar serves to compliment and amplify all other paths of awakening one is already on...
“This calendar is a gift from galactic intelligence that contains a set of patterns that attunes us to ‘higher’ level experiences within the radial matrix of time where past, future and present are one... The order demonstrated in the 13 Moon/28-day Galactic Calendar is not only a vehicle for the reharmonization of the human mind and even the human DNA, but also a tool for the instant transcendence of history. This is because the Galactic Calendar attunes us to the synchronic order - a symbolically coded organization of time. It gives a renewed and cosmic meaning to time.” - The Galactic Research Institute
The original Dreamspell Kit brings the radial, multi-dimensional journey of Time to life...
While this Kit is out of print, all of these colorful, harmonic cycles are encoded into The Galactic Calendar!
"Through the Dreamspell we are talking about the responsibility of the Earth Wizards to re-enchant the world... When we talk about natural time we are talking about restoring ourselves in the sacred order of the universe. The universe never stopped being sacred. It was us who exercised our will, created this great, great, great illusory bubble that we feel is so real - it is us who have alientated ourselves from the sacred. What is natural is sacred...
"If there were no deviation from Natural Time, we wouldn't need a Dreamspell kit - but we have deviated, and the Law of Time says we need to relearn what it is to be Art. So, the Dreamspell is the code or set of codes that returns us to the truth that Time is Art. And since we are time, we are art!" -José Argüelles
"I feel in rhythm with the heartbeat of life! Thank you so much for making the amazingly powerful, super artistically inspiring calendar available."
– Austin, TX
"This is without a doubt the most beautiful and high-energy calendar on the planet."
– Canton, MI
"Thank you for your absolutely amazing calendar! I've been using them for 2 years now, and they really changed my life!"
– Josh, Blue Resonant Storm
"This calendar is breathtaking, the images are absolutely stunning... Thank you beautiful souls for contributing with such passion, art, and commitment to our evolutionary process."
– Elohisa, Australia
"This year's calendar is supercalifragilisticexpealidocious! Wonderful! I am really enjoying it!"
– Love from Japan
"Thank you for your continued work! We rely on our calendars daily!"
– S & L, USA
"This calendar is phenomenal... so streamlined. Wow wow wow wow! You never cease to amaze me to my core."
– New York, NY
"For those interested in furthering their spiritual growth, I highly recommend SkyTime's calendar as a way to free your mind into the higher frequencies that are available on the planet right now."
– Lake Oswego, OR
"Your calendar is so helpful and laid out so well! We learn something new each time we open it."
– Golden Radiance, NM
"A lucid, artful presentation of fascinating information... the foundational tool for living and learning the science of time... wonderful explanations, and a beautiful design for daily awareness."
– Oakland, CA
"There is so much positive energy in the calendar you produce - it comes to life just when you need it!"
– Wellington, New Zealand
"The soul of the universe speaks to me each time I interact with my calendar."
– Portland, OR
"It is a priceless tool for self reflection and evolution. I am very thankful for it!"
– Hilary
"This calendar is awesome!!! Thank you so much for your fabulous contribution to our planet's well-being!"
– Lucia
"Loving the Calendar each and everyday. WHAT A TOOL! What a gift!"
– Blue Solar Eagle, California
"Thank you for this wonderful addition to my life!"
– Lake Mills, WI
"Your calendars are always so beautiful. The artwork is galactivated and the wisdom is shared with compassionate understanding."
– Tuscon, AZ
"I've been using your calendars for the past 10 years. This has been a tremendous resource, and I am so grateful you have provided this."
– Billy, NM
"I have been working with The Galactic Calendar since 1992. It's a remarkable tool, beyond measure."
– Martha, White Self-Existing Dog
"SkyTime has an enchanting way of downloading galactic wisdom with simplicity, clarity and artistry."
– San Francisco, CA
"Thanks sooo much. Your calendar has indeed, been a blessing to me."
– Oxnard, CA
"Thank you for sharing the magic, mystery and magnificient art of the Galactic Calendars!"
– Wendy, N.C.
"Thank you for sharing your magical gifts with so many and spreading the restorative forces of 13:20!"
– Arizona, USA
"SkyTime's Calendar is professional, well thought out, and inspiring!"
– Electric Skywalker
"Each year SkyTime produces a calendar that helps expand one's consciousness so that one can assist humanity into the imminent new world."
– Bay Area, CA
Beyond just the Galactic Calendar, expand your knowledge of the vast layers of Dr. Jose Arguelles' essential cosmic teachings. Enjoy this self-paced and interactive video tutorial with 13 lessons provided by our dear friend and ally Jacob Wyatt of The Foundation For The Law of Time.
Intiana blends Galactic Dreamspell Astrology with intuitive wisdom and psychic insight. She helps you activate the power of your personal Galactic Signature energy and enliven a deeper connection with your own divine spirit and destiny!